
Trasmissione di dati


Informazione e software per trasmissione di dati
Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows NT
MailCrypt Wizard RSA, DES, PGP... Program to encrypt messages to send by Internet Shareware
Kremlin DES, Blowfish, IDEA, and RC4 Most secure configuration. Kremlin uses SHA1 to combine the password and a 64-bit salt to generate a 160-bit hash Shareware
Cycode Password protection A cool little program that lets you encode/decode messages so you can send them to your friend's without other people reading them Freeware
Mailpgp PGP MailPGP conveniently integrates PGP with every program that uses the clipboard Freeware
Cryptext SHA-1 and RC4 A Windows 95 / NT 4 shell extension that performs strong file encryption Freeware